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Dear Friends, 


The one-thing I enjoy doing more than any other thing is to help others discover their potential for charity, like I did. This is why I want to invite you to the Grief Blooms Learning Path for healing grief. The course in called The Grief Recovery Method.


Learning the method brings your life's story into focus, calibrates emotional events, and invites clarity to the soul. It is the best one-thing I have ever done for myself.


Charity is what helps us heal. Then, clarity services us when dealing with the stresses of everyday living so we can be happier. It is the one-thing that helps us make choices that are better for us. So, clarity is the "Growth Zone" that helps us in all that life brings.


Thankfully, by learning The Grief Recovery Method you can also spark clarity in your life and invite it into the forefront. The course takes 30-45 minutes a day, over 6 to 7 weeks.

To enroll, follow the link to schedule an appointment for a 15 minute discovery call.


In Love and Service,


Minister Newman, GRM Specialist

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